Serhii & Viktoriia (from Chernihiv Ukraine & Petrivka, Ukraine respectively) lived together in Ukraine for 8 years & were looking forward to officially saying ‘I do’ in front of their family & friends. They set a date and were starting to plan the details of their venue, flowers & guest invites. However, their plans were interrupted by geopolitical events – the Russian troop invasion of Ukraine. This was all 2 weeks before the war started.
The war destroyed their plans and they left Ukraine for their safety. Devastated, they started looking for alternatives. Unfortunately, the laws of Ukraine don’t yet support virtual marriages. So they searched the internet for a solution & found VirtualMarriage.com. This allowed them to get legally married under U.S. law and then purchase an Apostille to submit their docs to the government of Ukraine & have it recognized. This is through the 1961 Apostille Convention – allowing international recognition of documents like marriage certificates.
Surrounded by friends and family on Zoom, Serhii & Viktoriia got officially married on November 25, 2022. Despite difficulty, they found light among the dark circumstances.

Read the full review here
Serhii Rubets (Сергей Рубец) 🇺🇦